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Canon VL2

The Canon VL2 was produced for one year in 1958. Estimated total production was 8,450. The VL2 was an economy version of the Canon VL. The most significant difference is the VL has a top shutter speed of 1/1000th and the VL2 tops out at 1/500th.

Production was significantly higher on the VL2 but still relatively low and mostly sold in the Japan market. Like the VL there are no model identification on the body. Unlike my VL, this VL2 uses the VT style pop-up rewind know. 35 and 50 selectable frame lines also RF focus option. Self time and my preferred method a thump lever film advance.

My Take:

I think the VL2 is a viable substitute for the VL. Unless you need the added 1/1000th, the VL2 will serve you well. Both are good option to shoot all the great M39 screw mount lens for Canon or Leica. Still not up to the M3 that Canon was clearly chasing (but I think a better option than) the Leica III f or II g.

Lens: Canon 35mm f2

Film: Kodak 400 TMAX
